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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 24, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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>> this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm jonathan betz with today's top stories. >> now the really hard part begins, and that is the effort that you get for comprehensive agreement. >> an agreement with iran on its nuclear program. the challenge now - convincing people home and abroad it's a good deal. >> this agreement has made the world a much more dangerous place. >> also ahead - a winter blast. eight deaths blamed on a storm moving through texas in the south-west. >> a growing gap in what the average workers makes and ceos
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take home. [ ♪ music ]. secretary of state john kerry says now it's time for iran to prove it does not want to build a nuclear weapon. he is defending the deal saying the u.s. will enter more negotiations with eyes wide open. still israel and several american lawmakers blast the compromise saying iran views the white house as week. the fear is that the agreement will allow tehran to develop weapons. what does the deal include - halting uranium enrichment above 5%, and limiting the stockpile of 20%. that eases concerns that iran can build a weapon. no new centrifuges, that's
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freezes them for the next six month. libby casey - what is the hope for iran in the next six months? >> it buys time and gives iran a chance to say, as it claims, that it's developing nuclear power for peaceful purposes. president obama and secretary of state john kerry hope that had will give time for a comprehensive agreement that will halt or pull back iran's nuclear program, not just the pause. being able to convert or dial out the enriched uranium to 20% and allowing inspections to go through would many that the international community wouldn't be surprised by iran developing a nuclear weapon. giving the international community time and eyeballs that nothing could happen quickly. secretary of state john kerry is emphasising that this is a first
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step, but part of a diplomatic process. >> now the really hard part begins, and that is the effort to get the comprehensive agreement, which will require enormous steps in terms of verification, transparency. we know this, we determined work together. we'll start today, literally, to continue the efforts out of geneva, and to press forward. >> in exchange the u.s. offered sanctions to the tune of six to $7 billion, if iran does not make good on its promises, sanctions would kick back in and they'd be stronger, but the u.s. is not taking military threats off the table but the focus is on diplomacy. >> how much room does this leave iran to enrich uranium. >> this is a big question. the right to enrich is at the heart of disagreements between iran and international watchers. they can enrich uranium at 3.5%.
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they are allowed to keep centrifuges in place. they are not destroying them. that has raised concerns with republicans. we saw republican of tennessee, dismayed that the agreement has been entered into. >> looks like we tacitly agreed they'd enrich for commercial purposes. i think you'll see a bipartisan effort to make sure this is not the final agreement. people know this administration is strong and long on announcements, but short on follow-through. there's a lot of concern. >> i would caution the president from overselling the deal because it is not a full dismantling of their program. that would be historical. when you have friends and allies inside the region opposed to it
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i would caution it. >> so that was congress men kevin mccarthy. you get a sense of reaction. and there was guarded reaction from a leader in the democratic house caucus, saying that this is a moment we have to watch. >> and so, yes, as we hear members of congress not happy, israel as well. what have we heard from israel today? >> president obama spoke with pm benyamin netanyahu. this was a huge concern for the israelis. they are very dismayed. benyamin netanyahu calling it a bad deal. >> this agreement has made the world a much more dangerous place. i know that many share the concern of israel - especially in the region. >> now, john kerry is saying that this pact actually makes israel a safer place today than it was yesterday. >> libby casey, live in
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washington on this historic deal. thank you for your time today. >> iran's president and spiritual leader responded positively. some iranians hoped for more relief from sanctions. we have this report from tehran. >> is it a good or bad deal? depends who you speak to in iran. most agree any deal is worth it. it's what iranians wanted - a result, a way to end decades of hostility and sanctions. >> translation: it's shameful the u.s. claims to be concerned about human rights. if a government is against another government why punish the people. they've hurt us for 34 years. >> under the deal the p5+1 powers agreed to suspend limited sanctions on iran's autoindustry, allow the purchase of iranian oil - up to 100 million, help to assist iran in the humanitarian field,
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including the importation of medicine. >> after lifting the sanctions people can buy things easier because prices will go down. people won't be under pressure. i have children abroad studying. i should send money to them. the price of u.s. currency has dropped. >> in total the deal provide $7 billion in sanctions relief. that's not much compared to what iran has lost under current sanctions - $80 billion in oil revenu revenues since the start of last year. >> if in the coming months america tries to cheat iran, making it hurtful for the iranians, that could hurt the deal. >> if pleasing iranians is a challenge. quietening hard liners will be tougher. most don't think iran should be
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negotiating. convincing them is a task that president hassan rouhani will have to face. the president is not the only one pleased with the talks. the supreme leader is too, and ayatollah khamenei's voice is important when it comes to foreign policy. he applauded the talks and the negotiating team. it may be his voice that is the only thing that will silence hardliners, giving the deal a chance of succeeding. >> well, to talk about this further we have kelsey davenport, a nonproliferation analyst from the think tank, arms control association. thank you for being with us. did iran get a good deal here? >> really the u.s. got a good deal. this deal effectively prevents iran moving quickly towards a nuclear weapon. it caps enrichment levels, pauses progress and allows unprecedented monitoring and
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verification for international inspectors. >> if it stops iran from getting a weapon why so much concern and controversy. >> there has been hardlines in the u.s., wanting to hold out to require iran to dismantle its nuclear program. in my view, however, it's unrealistic. that view would drive iran away from the negotiating table and we wouldn't end up with the knowledge we'll gain about iran's nuclear program from the intrusive inspections. >> secretary of state john kerry says now is the time for iran to prove it doesn't want a nuclear weapon. is it doing enough at the moment to show that? >> we have seen the new president hassan rouhani taking the country in the right direction and following through on greater transparency and
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willingness to work with the international community. he reached the deal yesterday. two weeks before that he reached a deal with the international atomic energy agency allowing them access to other iranian nuclear sites. >> considering that, what do you think iran will do over the n six months. do you think it will allow the inspectors in, allowing them to cooperate? >> iran has a lot of incentives to cooperate. incentives are in place. iran will need to cooperate if it wants of the sanctions lifted. the first phase agreement set up a joint commission to monitor progress on how the deal is being implemented. i think that, yes, we'll see iran cooperating over the next six months as we move to negotiate a final agreement. >> with so much anger out there, especially from israel and saudi arabia, what is the impact going to be on the region overall. >> well, i think that as we get
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more access to iran's nuclear facilities, and as international inspectors are able to visit the sites, i think that that will give the international community assurances that iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons. so hopefully they'll come to see this as stablilizing the region. >> we'll see what developments over the next couple of month, kelsey davenport with the arms control association, thank you for your time. >> after days of debate tribal leaders voted to keep american soldiers in afghanistan beyond 2014. the country's president is now backtracking saying he needs more time before signing the agreement. al jazeera's jane ferguson plains why. >> this was meant to be a day of agreement. many left feeling more confused. the loya jirga, a gathering of afghan representatives was overwhelmingly in favour of the security pact with the u.s. and
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wanted to signed immediately. that was in reference to hamid karzai's announcement on thursday that he won't sign the deal until after elections in april. on sunday he stuck to his position that he needed more time to get a better deal from washington. that didn't stay the head of the jirga and the drama on stage played out live on tv. >> translation: i want to repeat again - americans cannot go into our houses after the bilateral documents. they cannot kill anyone in their house. the afghan people will be safe and peace will come. it will not be a case of americans sitting in their base and then we have a war in our country. i will not accept that. >> translation: whatever the president is saying is right. americans do not have any right to enter afghan houses. they have given that to us in
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writing and promise. a super power cannot break their promise. if they do, we are ready to protest. >> translation: sir, no protests. terminating the bilateral, they have to promise they are not dilling afghans in their houses. they have to do that. >> translation: okay, all right. then sign this first. if they break the promise, then we know what to do. >> translation: no, first they have to prove it. you sign it. if you don't sign, we'll be upset and leave until the issue is settled. >> hamid karzai's opposition says delay tactics come from a desire to control the elections. it's not about the concerns that the afghan people have about articles in the bilateral agreements. he's demanded this person, and he mentioned part of it, indeed,
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in the inauguration speech. he linked the signing of the bilateral agreement with the elections. >> abdullah believes hamid karzai wants the u.s. to support a candidate of his choosing. ever his motives for such decision, president hamid karzai's political moves put him in the lead on this security pact. >> jane ferguson, al jazeera, kabul afghanistan. well, here at home the united states is bracing for rough travel during the holidays, a large storm is pushing through the south-west. it's expected to bring snow and sleet to parts of the east coast and the south later this week. ice is snarling highways and airports. the storm has so far killed eight people. >> that's right. more tricky travel on the way as
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we head into tonight. particularly across i-35, where we have a winter storm warning. we could see a coating to an inch along i-35, along oklahoma city down into dallas, the snow spreading. be careful if you are travelling. look at the temperatures in oklahoma city. 26 degrees - rain and snow falling. all rain for san antonio. through the night the rain will switch to snow. travel will be tricky, especially early in the morning. as we push to the north-east sun will set across new york city. there could be a few effect. no showers pushing into the big apple. snow falling along the new york state freeway from buffalo to
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syracuse. i stepped out for a few moments, the wind certainly plays a role. gusting up to 28 miles per hour in the city. back into cleveland around 17, and when you factor in the temperature - it makes it feel like temperatures are in the single digits. back into new york, only at 28. later on on the show, i'll tell you about the south-west storm, and how it will make its way to the north-east and produce tricky travel conditions. >> it is cold. also ahead on al jazeera america new york's stop and frisk law - how one man is confronting the policy by teaching teens how to stand up to police. >> anger in thailand, questions over who is running the country. born in dominican republic, but not a citizen - thousands left without a place to call home.
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the dominican republic's highest court ruled being born
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in that country does not automatically grant citizenship. voters roles have been purged - including people born there, going back to 1929. the majority are hatians descendants who came to work on the islands. amnesty international condemned it and so has the united nations. here is richelle carey. >> this demonstration in new york's times square was fuelled by anger over a ruling by the dominican republic's highest court. hundreds protested a ruling leaving families and friends without a place to call home. raymo raymond joseph, a prominent speaker, spoke for thousands. he said people like him are only welcomed by the dominican republic if considered worthy.
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as a well-known reporter of the "wall street journal," he was offered citizenship. he said no. so unlike others he has a country to call home. >> i said, "thank you, but no thank you." i decided to become haitian at 18. had i accepted the offer of the dominican con sul general in 1976 - today i would be be in limbo. >> that's where dominicans of haitian descent find themselves. a ruling by the highest court stripped citizenship by anyone of haitian consent considered illegal and born or entered the country after 1929. applicants say it's about 200,000 people. the dominican republic say it's closer to 13,000. an oped in the "new york times," an ambassador to the u.s. defends the ruling. he said:
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critics reject the notion that the ruling is about immigration policy. history professor at john j college says it's rooted in a history of fear and racism. >> being dominican means you can be of arab, jewish, european or black west indian descent. hatians were excluded from the dominican nation because of the way elite defined dominicanist which has been an exclusion of hatians. >> that's because the dominican government considers the people
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to be intransit despite them calling dominican home. some call for pressure, but change from within the country is almost impossible. >> it's hard to work with a government that has a history of undermining hatians, segregating them, keeping them from doing anything good in the dominican republic. >> advocates hope if there's enough international pressure, the government -- people will find a way to overturn the ruling. >> we spoke about how the citizenship debate began. >> this is about a woman born in 1984 in the dominican republic. she received a birth certificate from the dominican republic, and was registered as dominican republic. a few years later she decided to
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get the national id like every dom jip can. she went to get it. they took away the birth certificate. they didn't give it back to her. she appealed to get her birth certificate back, and the constitutional decided that she's not dominican, and that affected hundreds of thousands of people. that is what is going on right now. the dominican republic needs to stop this immediately. >> the tribunal will decide how to deal with the ruling. another hash tag gone wild the the black student union at michigan university started a quitter dialogue about being black, years after affirmative action was banned.
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twitter is one of the best places for the students to be heard. being back at the university of michigan - in less than 24 hours it was one of the most talked about topics on twitter. >> we expected it to, you know, be big around campus. we didn't expect the national attention. >> members of the black student union launched the twitter campaign to focus attention on what it's like to be african american on the university of michigan's overwhelming white campus. most tweets have been negative. a person wrote: another writes: . >> i'm lucky i had a positive
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experience. most of my friends have not. >> race has been a hot button issue on campus lately. last month a fraternity set up a facebook party invitation including racial and sexual stereo types. african-american students were outraged. the fraternity was reprimanded. since the law past in 2006 banning affirmative action, the number of black students dropped to a third. some wrote: >> these students we talked to say they are getting a chance, they hope it makes a difference. >> we really want to get the dialogue started to get people
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talking. that's the first step to change. >> now that they have the nation's attention the black student union is trying to build on the momentum. the group is planning several event allowing minority students an opportunity to share experiences. >> we have the sports head lines, a big fight today. >> yes, manny pacquiao back in the ring for the first time since last december. he has not won a fight in two years. very focused and dedicated the fight to victims in the homeland in philippines. he delivered abeyance brandon rios - knocking out brandon rios in the first, and was pretty much a punching bag. manny pacquiao winning which a
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unanimous decision capturing the wbl welterweight target. >> st louis cardinals decided to give a 4-year deal words $50 mi million to 31 year-old poulter. tough break for aaron murray, tearing the acl in his left knee, ending his college career. it's been brilliant for murray, who leaves as the all-time lead and the fcc's all-time leader. next stop surgery and hopefully the nfl. speaking of which all the the highlights on a busy sunday, including a thriller in miami between dolphins and panthers. >> see you then. thanks. >> it's a given that the boss makes more than you. the question is how much more.
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answers ahead on al jazeera. elections in honduras, in one of the most violent countries in the world. that story next.
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. welcome back to al jazeera america, here is a look at the top stories: heavy rain and snow battering the south-western u.s. it's killedate -- killed eight. it means trouble for thanksgiving travellers. afghan president hamid karzai says he will not sign the american security plan approved by the elders until next year. president obama spoke with israeli prime minister benyamin netanyahu about his country's concerns under the agreement, that he can'ts u.s. and israeli consultations on the issue. >> al jazeera's patty culhane looks at what is next.
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>> the handshakes and hugs that mark the first agreement an image for the history books. so the spin begins. each side claims victory. >> translation: it has been written clearly that iran will continue enrichment. therefore i announce to the people of iran that will continue in the same way as before. >> the agreement does say iran will continue to enrich uranium as it has been, but only up to 5%, in exchange for $7 billion in sanctions relief. the agreement spells out the end goal of future talks, that iran will enjoy its right to nuclear energy. but u.s. secretary of state john kerry went out of his way to stress that doesn't mean what it sounds like. >> any country has a right, if you are in the mbt to a peaceful nuclear program. that - there is a defined right. but a peaceful nuclear program
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does not mean you have the right to enrich. >> his words an attempt to calm fears and anger of israel. prime minister benyamin netanyahu outraged. he wants iran stripped of nuclear capability, sending this warning. >> israel is not bound by this agreement. we cannot and will not allow a regime that calls for the destruction of israel to obtain the means to achieve this goal. we will not allow iran to have a nuclear weapons capability. >> his allies in the u.s. congress expressing outrage, promising they may pass additional sanctions on iran even if the president agreed not to. >> i think you'll see on capitol hill a bipartisan effort to make sure that this is not the final agreement, because people though this administration is strong on announcements, long on announcements, short on follow through. >> allies and members of
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congress feeling shut out of first negotiations vow it will not happen again. they want their demands met, even it they don't have a seat at the table. voters in honduras elected a new president of the leading the polls is xiomara castro del zelaya, the wife of the president deposed in a 2009 coup. her main opponent is juan orlando hernandez from the national party. the winner takes charge of a weak economy, and high crime rits. it has the highest murder rates, more than 80 killed per 10,000. international observers are in honduras to wash the election. votes are counted by members of the political parties. >> so far we have seen a healthy turn out - some say it may be a record turn out across the country. we've been at political rallies
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where there's a lot of energy and people coming to the rally. we are talking about people who are paid to go to rallies, it's tough to know if this is a popular movement, or if these parties are issuingest rating these movements for the cameras. people want change, this is the most contested election since the coup. a lot of people sat out, especially on the left, people that supported manuel zelaya. there's skepticism in the process. people want to come out and express votes, hoping it will be a better functioning democracy. there are concerns the people counting the vote may not do it in a fair way. we'll look after the results come in. it's unclear when it will be made public if people trust the results or cry foul. >> thousands protested ukraine's decision to scrap a trade treaty
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with the european union. some say the government buckled under pressure from russia who threatened to retaliate. they want them to join a russian-led customs union. >> in thailand close to 100,000 rallied in the capital, demanding the prime minister be removed. her older brother is running the government, say demonstrators, even though he was ousted in 2006. >> almost everyone things they are not paid enough. perhaps they are right. the pay of ceos soared to record numbers while the average worker easel up slowly. >> there's a saying in america that a rising tide lifts small boats. the u.s. economy expanded, corporations has grown. everyone working for the companies reap the benefits. right? not exactly.
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ceos salaries skyrocketed, the average america's workers compensation barely moved, inching up 5%. rick, an expert on executive compensation says widening pay disparity hurts employee more ol. >> they are angry when they see knows at the top taking a disproportionate of the profitability home in their own pockets, not distributing it to all of those helping the company achieve its goals. >> in switzerland, a referendum is proposed to allow ceos only 12% higher than former workers. here's an example of salies last year. jcp's ceo, 1,795 more than the
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wage of its workers. >> walmart - $1,834, the average worker $23,000. 134:1. >> mcdonald's ceo - $13.8 million. the average employee $22,000 a year, a ratio $627:1. the at general electric - it 127 times more than the workers. >> some corporations justify ceo examination as a reward for boosting the value of shareholder stock. >> there was an effort to tie compensation through stock options and other means to the corporations financial performance. but this also, unfortunately, has created a short-term
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mind-set where american managers have come to manage for the short-term as opposed to the long-term. >> the gap between corporate executive pay and wages was not always so bad. for much of the last century the ratio was consistent. in the "80, workers fell further and further behind. >> in 1950, on average corporate ceos earnt 20 times for than workers. in 1980 it was 42:1. 20 years later. corporate leaders took home 120 times more. today ceos earn on average 204 times more than workers. there's no sign that the ratio will improve. it will become transparent when the federal government orders a report the difference between what bosses earn and they pay their workers. >> it's an interesting topic. we talk to the director of the
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john l weinberg center at the university of delaware. thank you for being with us, john. >> when you hear that ceo salaries jump up 725% over the last 30 years - what is behind all this? >> well, there's two reasons - number one, historically boards were dominated by the ceo, and they were passive. they have let them take home more. the second is mechanic. how ceo pay is done in the country, on the basis of peer grouping where the ceos pay is compared to similar companies. what happens is your pay is not based on what the organization is doing, but how someone in a similar organization is paid. boards will target between the medium of everyone else and higher for the ceo. 50th, 75th or 95th percentile.
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your pay is related not to how you do in the organisation, but how someone is paid elsewhere. everyone is above mean, if you will. so every year there's a double digit address. it was designed, in a way, to be fair, because we want to pay a person what they get somewhere else. it's a problem. >> is it fair or have ceos lost their way trying to please shareholders rather than doing what is best for the companyies over all. the idea was we pay you x because you may jump to another company. a research study that craig and i did at the university suggested that ceo movement between companies is almost non-existent. you pay on the fear that they'll jump, and, in fact, they don't. if they don't jump the pay should be done within the
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organization, rather than outside. by going outside someone could have a great year, and increase your pay even though you had a lousy year based on peer group analyse. this is what the pay ray thing gets at. you -- pay rate thing get at the the idea being if there's a step up in pay between grades of the organization, yours should be similar to the step up. you get better expandible pay. vis-a-viz owning stock, it's not a bad thing, it's a good thing learning to long-term holding and strategies if the stock is held long-term. options where you exercise and leave or stock on the shaw is not a good idea. locking yourself into the long-term value of the company is not a bad idea. many employees, most own stock. they are all in it together. the key is creating long-term value for everyone. and not paying the ceo on what
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the jones are doing down the street. >> swiss rejected an idea of limiting executive pay - overwhelmingly. is there a possibility that there should be legislation capping executive pay? >> well, the problem is if you limit it you basically limit yourself out of ultimately good talent. the idea of pay is based on i have a service to provide, someone needs it. how many of me are out there, how many of them are out there. when they reach ek will ibry um that's what the free market is about. saying you can only pay so much more than x means you get talent that will go somewhere else where you don't have the limits or figures out ways around the limits. that's the worst approach. subterranean pay. let the market handle it. you get paid what, in fact, you deliver. when you set an artificial
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limit, you lose the incentive that the pay provide. is the pay based on what you can deliver. that's why i like the decision based on internal metrics within the organization where your pay is related to everyone else and doesn't become a disincentive for others to work hard. >> thank you for your time today. new york city's stop and frisk is again making headlines. a man says he's been subjected to that policy twice. now he's taking action. caitlin ford caught up with him to explore the bigger issue new york's new mayor must face. >> this man felt powerless when stopped by police. >> they basically jumped out of a car, four large officers, and were yelling and were like get on the wall. and it just, to me, was very bizarre experience because i hadn't done anything. they said if i didn't have id or
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produce it i would be going to gaol. they basically said to me - the next time a cop tells you to do something, you better do it. >> he said police let him go after showing them his id. the experience changed him. >> i was frustrated, angry. i was really - you know, i didn't know what to do. i had pent up frustration sitting inside. the best way to do something would be to get involved in the community. >> he started to teach know your rights workshops. these young people asked us not to show their faces. >> you have to take control asking, "am i being stopped? am i being arrested." >> it stop and frisk allows a police officer to stop a person and frisk them whom they thing is about to commit a crime or has committed a crime. more than half a million from
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stopped and frisked in 2012. according to the new york civil liberties, 1:10 were arrested or summoned to court. the rest were released. >> a study of this classroom shows the experience is nothing new. >> who in this room has been stopped by police officers? >> it happened to me in my freshman year. we used to have half days. i was stopping. they searched my book bag. i didn't know what to do. it was my first time. i was nervous, i was like, "why are they doing this?" the workshop teaches teens to stand up for their rights without making the situation worse. by stating, "look, officer, i understand you are asking questions, i have id, i don't consent to you searching for
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questioning me." you let them know there's a limit to how far it will go. in the past he has asserted those right and police let him go on his way. this year a judge ruled the policies unconstitutional. it was overturned and remains in force on the city streets. >> still ahead - new push for independent. scotland considering breaking from the u.k. a big nfl sunday - all the heights ahead in sports.
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. in scotland people have been asking for months what would the country look like if it was free from the u.k. scotland's government will public a white paper, a blue print making the case for independence. lawrence lee has more. >> britannia rules the wave, the patriotic song said. the british naval empire was built in ports myth. with the imperial star fading the deposit announced it will no longer be built in ports smith. workers are in a game. futures to be determined by a decision taken not by them, but by the scots. >> i think what the government is doing is saying to people in
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scotland, "look, we can put some money your way, but if you vote for independence we'll take it out." i don't think it's a bribe, i think it's blackmail. >> up to now there's not been much complaining in the english that they have no say in the future of the u.k. plenty think scotland does nicely off the backs of english workers. the news of ship-building jobs being lost brought to the surface a surprising aspect about the debate for independence. scottish nationalists are yet to convince a number much scots, a large number of english people are supportive on the argument that the english economy would be better off without them. >> travel to england and you'd be hard pressed to find people who thing the country would be
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damaged by scotland independent. >> this is berrick on the border. it has changed between the english and the scots. people routinely cross the border. an independent sclnt leaves a lot -- scotland leaves a lot nerving ours. people in berrick now how important they are. there businesses that operate both sides of the about border. there's a dependence on both sides of the border. >> there is a worry that berrick will be worse off. >> people do worry about that. >> up to this point the overwhelming opinion in england is indifference. in reality ports smith and berrick will not be the only places whose future will be
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shaped by a vote in which they have no say. >> all right. ross is back with sport. i want to hear about the thriller in miami. >> we are kicking things off with the carolina panthers, and i love a streak. the panthers won 6 straight games, do i hear 7. ryan and the miami dolphins looking to put the offfield distractions behind them. canneda hill gunned to mike walls, in for the rainbow connection. dolphin looking to keep playoffs alive. the panthers rally back. superman is in the building. cam in for the score. wait for it here comes superman. down 16-13, with under a minute to go panthers drive the length of the field. cam nugent. it's wide open.
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the panthers win a thriller 20-16 for a seventh straight victory. the chiefs bounce back. jamal charles and the chiefs against the chargers. casey up 21-17. badge in the third. kc answers back. cann assist city fans were, "cry me a river", they charge and win a thriller 41-38. kc face peyton manning and the broncos. rex ryan - watch the receiver in motion. that's bad. >> arizona state scooping the piggy. issues against the mario draz-balart ravens. joe flacco gives it book. antonio creme ardy takes it book. flacco gets it together because he's not the average joe.
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ravens win and improve to 5 and 6 on the season. st. louis rams. check out the rookie - changing direction. he has giddy up. austin is fast. he has gone 65 yards to the house, rams taking a 7-0 lead. keep an eye on the spot shadow. chris law going after his brother, kyle, playing for the bears. talk about brotherly love. chris breaks up the fight saying, "what the heck are you thinking are you trying to get ejected?", those two boysar howie long's kids. the conversation at thanksgiving will be interesting. mum will not be happy. rams win the ball game. >> the nfl saves the best for last. peyton manning and the broncos versus tom brady and the patriots - need i say more. >> they are two living legends,
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numbers speak for themselves. peyton manning and tom brady combined for over 110,000 yards, 818 touchdowns, winning four super bowl titles in seven appearances tom brady three to peyton manning's one, and captured six mvp awards, ipp cluing three super bowl mpvs. >> we need to be on the offensive. they are capable of scoring quickly. and they can come back quickly because of tom. >> sunday night will be the 14th meeting. the 36-year-old tom brady has the edge of victories with nine. peyton manning has better numbers, throwing for better touch tonnes in match-ups. >> it's a good g football team. >> the two icons had epic battles, including the 2006
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championship game. tom brady and the championships jump to the lead. peyton manning led a comeback. the colts rallying back from 18 securing a 38-34 victory. the rest is history as peyton manning wins his only super bowl. peyton manning threw 49 touchdowns, a record to one thought would be broken. tom brady broke the record tossing for 50. this year, peyton manning is having a career year and is on pace to shatter the remarkism. >> documented my respect for thomas a quarterback. the way he prepares and is better each season than the one before, telling you how obviously he approaches the offseason, takes care of his body, challenges himself. >> with peyton manning at 37 and tom brady at 36.
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you may want to enjoy sunday night. we may not have more of he is meetings between the legend. the patriots and broncos appear to be on a collision course. >> kick-off 8:30. >> collision course in the play-off. >> i see them playing in the playoffs. i saviour these moments. >> it is cold out there. the cold weather moving in across the country. jalelah ahmed has more after the break.
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. well, roadway conditions across okay oklahoma, portions of texas deteriorated. look here, all the way down into portions of texas, around dallas, along the i-35. we are looking at slick and hazardous conditions with black ice. be careful if you are travel, we'll deal with rain and sleet. through tomorrow, temperatures of 36. warmer tuesday and wednesday. the system that is causing the sfo -- snow is on the move. it will bring snow, rain and a very hazardous conditions along i95. really the busiest travel day of
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the year. the storm will push to the east. monday and tuesday temperatures in the 50s. it's warmer. it's all rain for new orleans. as it continues to push to the east, take a look here over the next couple of days. by wednesday it will hug the south-east and pushing into the north-east. the models - the jury is out, what is going to happen. temperatures will be warmer than in the north-east. rain in atlanta, heavy rain along i-95. we are thinking you are all going to see rain along i-95. here is the tricky part. tuesday into wednesday, as the rain comes down, you can see temperatures below freezing wednesday night. 28 degrees. it will be chilly and we'll have o to deal with a chance of freezing ice. we'll watch this in the next
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couple of days. sh . this is al jazeera america live from new york. this is jonathan betz, with a quick look at the top stories. >> today after a deal with iran, president obama spoke with benyamin netanyahu about his country's concerns. president obama wants u.s. and israeli constill tagss immediately and reaffirmed commitment to israel despite skepticism towards the deal. >> af gan president hamid karzai will not sign the security plan approved by the council of elders until already elections next year. >> polls are closed in honduras where res accidents voted for a new president. the among the


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